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Dates To Remember!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 27, 2009



Tetibe ari ni terasa rajin nak jawab tag - salah satu cara utk melupakan duka lara di hati..kih3..
jum layan...zasssssssss...

::Which hurts more, emotional or physical pain?::
- emotional...physycal, da biasa da..slalu kena sepak terajang..isk3..(tp sakit gak ooo..) -

::If something was wrong, who is the first Person you would go to?::
- xde cari sape2 eh..tido je..lagi ari tu, first time, cari apis..erkk..sori apis..kaco tgh main games..hehe. -

::Are you listening to anything right now?::
- xde -

::Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?::
- ada... -

::Do you think you'll be married in 10 years::
- Ada rezeki, lagi staun dua nak kawen..tapi, ngah mencari my mr.right..siyes..xmain2 oo.. -

::How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?::
- ada la sorang dua.. :) -

::What are you doing tonight?::
- malam ni ada xmo g....hurm... -

::Is there anybody that you trust 100%?::
- hahahaha...diri sndiri pun xleh percaya 100%, camne nk caye org lain neh.. -

::Are you satisfied with your life right now?::
- Alhamdulillah..bersyukur atas apa yg ada.. -

::What woke you up this morning?::
- Ayah: bangun semayang subuh...da lewat ni..
SeCreTo : da kul bape ni..
Ayah : kul 7
SeCreto : hah!! (cpt2 tgk jam)
Ayah: cpt laa..lewat dah..
SeCreto : ala..baru kul 6.30..
Ayah : ish budak ni..jirus ngn air kang..
SeCreto: yela..nk bgun la ni...(lalu dgn penuh liatnya, sy g toilet dan amik air smyg..hahahaa...) -

::Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?::
- Baju kaler oren..beli kat giant..hehehe.. -

::Do you regret anything from your past?::
- ermm...ada gak.. -

::In the past week have you smiled?::
- senyum tu kan sedekah.. (walaupun senyum dalam duka..isk3) -

::Has anyone told you they loved you lately?::
- Ada..sblm smuanya berakhir... :'( -

::Do you think too much or too little?::
- banyak... -

::Meet anyone new this year?::
- Yup -

::How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?::
- sy jenis yg senang once xleh tido, aih...main games kat enset la jawabnya..huhu. -

::Met someone who changed your life?::
- ada la jugak.. -

::Will you be sleeping alone tonight?::
- slalunya pun mmg tido da.. -

::Can you run in heels?::
- pakai yg ade heels pun br skali dua..apatah lagi nak lari time pakai..hahaha.. -

::Did you meet any one new in the last 100 hours?::
- adeee....kalo g mana2, kompem jumpe org baru..bukan stakat baru, malah xdknali lagi tau..hahaha -

::Have you changed this year?::
- ermm..ada.. -

::Whose house did you sleep in last night?::
- umah parents..hehe...-

::Who was the last person you were in a MOTOR with?::
- motorcar?? or motorcycle?? eheh... kalo motorcar, xdop sape2 kot.. -

::Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?::
- depends kalo time tu sy xngntuk lagi..kalo da ngntuk, jawabnya sy bcakap dlm mamai la..ntah apa2 sy ckp nnti..hahahaha.. -

::Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?::
- xde..sbb sy lebih suka berahsia.. -

::Do you judge people you don't know?::
- x..malas nk jd judge tnpa gaji..kah3.. -

::In the past week have you cried?::
- ermm..ada..bila teringat kat life must go on..what past is already past...forget about him..hurm..but i really2 miss him...aaaaa...tlg2.. STOP!!! -

::Did you ever play games on the old Nintendo?::
- yup..ada2..dulu teringin nk bile pk balik, membazir je kalo beli..haha.. so xjadi la nk beli.. -

::Where is one place you want to visit?::
- ari tu cdg nk g aussie ms cuti sem ni..nk melawat mk sdra kat lupa nk wat passport..kalo wat skrg mesti lmbt...tiket x tmpah lagi..waaa..nk g..nk g...xpe la..g time honeymoon je la nnti..hahahaha...(gatalnya dia..ish3..) -

::Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?::
- yup..ayah punya arms..dulu slalu tido atas lengan bile dah besau2 ni..da xbuat la..tido ada lengan suami leh?kih3..gatei... -

:: Anybody that you wanna tag?::
- kak emie
- nisa
- adeq
- amal
- azwa




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