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Dates To Remember!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Wish....Hurm...

I wish...
I'm not here right now..

I wish..
I'm not online right now..

I wish..
I'm sleeping in the bed right now..
I wish..
There's no disputes arise..

I wish..
There's no 'debat2' tonight..

I wish..
I wish..
I wish..


I wishhh...

But..It's already happened..

It's already took place..

Deep inside my heart..
I feel so hurt..
And hurt..

Cant imagine how hurt it is..

oh no..

please..dont cry,seCreTo..

but i cant..

One word from me..
Hope, everything will be back to normal..
(That's my truly wish..)
P/s: Eventhough i'm not a girl who is easy to cry, but tonight, i do..I dont know why...((that's mean i'm a girl..))


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